Greatness springs from here.
In 2016, I was brought in to lead the Nestle Water account at FCB in New York as an interim, freelance ECD. Nestle Waters is made up of six regional brands - Poland Springs, Ozarka, Arrowhead, Deer Park, Ice Mountain, and Zephyrhills. The task at hand was to develop a new campaign that spoke with a singular, over-arching voice nationally, but in a way that could showcase each regional brand and the unique area they came from at the same time. Which kind of seems like opposing objectives. The solution? Tap into each region by connecting the spring water with the community it comes from, showcasing both at the same time. So we set out to develop work that showcased examples of local greatness in ways that Nestle Waters could naturally support and be a part of. The result was a cohesive campaign that humanized the behemoth Nestle, and put greatness on the map.